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Monday, May 30, 2011

Sorry it's been so long....

Sorry everyone, I had problems getting in to edit my blog.

So what's been going on.....well I did hit the greens last Sunday and had a great time. It does get a little hot by lunch time but we were o.k. once we hit the 19th hole. Afterwards we went over to the Zambezi Sun which is a beautiful hotel which if you buy a cocktail you can use their pool...take one guess on what we did!! As we are sitting around the pool wild zebras just walk on buy (see photo). Apparently you can see giraffes, impala and other game as well if you are lucky. Anyhow...very nice hotels here if you can get here.

I have to say it's amazing that all I have to myself here is a little room that's maybe 7 x 9 feet and it doesn't bother me at all. I've been able to see quite a bit of Livingstone now and it still amazes me how friendly everyone is. Everyone and I mean everyone literally waves to each other here...it's just so friendly.

I have managed to make it to Victoria Falls as well yesterday. It was absolutely beautiful. You pretty much walk through the spray of the falls which is like a wicked rain fall. There was a double rainbow too...yes Jordan a double rainbow. I can't wait for you to see it in person!! Afterwards we went over to the Royal Livingston hotel where we had cocktails right on the water.....is anyone seeing a theme here or is it just me??? Next Sunday "high tea" where for 18$ you can eat as much as you want of cakes, tarts, sandwiches and quiche....there goes the weight loss.

Anyhow enjoy some of the pics and hopefully video will be up shortly when I have enough power to load one.

Vick xoxo

p.s. Marco let me know when we can chat :)


Anonymous said...

I LOVE the pic of the zebra!!!

Glad its going well. facetime me woman!!! xox


Nina said...

Hi Vicky,
You look great on the picture. Love to read all about your adventures..

Christina said...

Hi Vicky,

Wow, what great stories! After being charged by an elephant, I would have been on the first plane home :)

You're a brave girl doing amazing things!

Please keep the updates coming. It's good to see a picture of you. You look great :)

Take care,