Well yesterday was my day off so myself, Nick & Marie (Scottish couple volunteering) went into town for the day to buzz around and get to know the place. There are actually some really nice restaurants here. We actually went out Saturday night as well to a restaurant called Arts Cafe which is owned by a Canadian couple who now live here. So on Sunday we headed to Kilimanjaro's for lunch which was awesome. We decided after this that we would hit one of the local markets to see what it was like. I'm not going to lie...we were a bit hesitant at first because there were people everywhere and it's just on a dirt road with little shacks as stalls for selling. My friend Marie had the daylight scared out of her when a man came out yelling something at her put then just said hi and walked on. In the end he was handicapped and was just excited to say hi which was cute. We buzzed around and everyone was so friendly and not pushy at all to buy. We hit one stall that all swatches of material. It was so beautiful to see all of the colors. My friend ended up buying some to make pillows at home.
We hit the grocery store next to pick up a few snacks and supplies. I needed a themes because sometimes we are gone from 7-12:30 and you need some coffee to get you through.
We then had some coffee at a pub and watched the footy game....yes you have to be into football (soccer) here. It was quite the game and Man United won the big game!! ha ha....no more hockey to discuss so why not. To finish things off we went out to a seafood place that was wonderful...King fish and prawns..yummy.
Today we headed out on Ele research again but unfortunately none today. There were many giraffe and we saw a huge croc which was in the middle of the road until we came right up to it....scary stuff. On our ele research trips we always have to have a ZWA (Zambian Wildlife Association) scout with us. It's quite daunting because they all carry riffles. They have to come on each lion walk as well. They are not too careful on how they hold it or where they point it!! Here is a picture of a scout and David one of our drivers.
That's all for now...Cheers!
Hi Vicky,
I'm happy to hear that you trip was uneventfull and trilled to see that you got your back luggage intact. nothing better that your own "stuff".
Catching up with you blog has been great! This next chapter is going to be filled with fun, hard work and an adventure around every corner. What a great way to live doing what you love.
We really missed you at the curling closing banquet. There were lots of pictures of you from you know whos camera...hahahahaha We toasted you several times with what else but tequila!
Keep posting it great living your adventure through your blog!
Miss you lots,
Hi Puppy,
Sounds like quite the adventure! So fun to read about.
I also noticed you used the word "daunting". I like it! :-)
Miss you lots and lots.
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