OMG what a day yesterday!! I can officially check off my life list "being charged by an elephant" We were out on ele research driving through the park when we suddenly hear behind us the trumpet horn noise of an elephant. He actually gave himself away because we had passed him and didn't notice him in the bushes. So this is where is starts to get crazy...he comes out on the road and faces us (see photo) and starts to flap his ears and walk directly towards us. David (previous post picture) moves forward a bit which seems to please the ele as he starts to turn into the trees again. In the trees though he still walks towards our direction and decides to charge our of the trees and towards us. Well David seems to have problems getting the truck into first gear so the ele is getting real close. So close that the ZWA scout has to shoot a warning shot in front of the elephant to make him stop. David finally got the car in gear and took off. Let me tell you that if our hearts would have been monitored it would have been through the roof.
Now story #2....I was not involved in this but too good a story not to tell. My friend Marie and Nick were out on one of the walks with the cubs when barreling through the trees comes 2 rhinos. Like elephants these guys can be very close before you actually hear them. As they turned around the 2 Rhinos were coming straight at them and were about 5 meters aways...that is way too close for an animal that size. Within the next few seconds one lion handler was up a tree, 2 others ran another direction, Marie and Nick hid behind a tree that a Rhino could snap with his tail and the scout was able to fire off a shot that made them change direction. Sweet mother....I think Marie nearly needed to check into the hospital with shock.
Even with these two events we laugh at them after it's over once the heart rate goes down.
Last night we all went out to 2 of our manger's house for a BBQ. It was really nice to be able to hang out for a night and laugh.
Wow, you don't wait long to get into the adventure do you? Kinda wish I saw your face but then again, probably wouldn't have noticed if an elephant were charging at me.
Wow!! Not everyone can say they have been charged by an elephant and lived to post the Sounds like you have no time to be bored with all that wild life around. Glad to see your loving it there its certainly an experience of a life time. By the way I picked up your curling trophies which were Missed you at the closing party could have done some tequila shots with us.
Enjoy every moment
Shar & Wade
I may have peed myself a little reading this...
What's up with you and elephants?
Too funny!!
Wow vicky - looks like you are having the time of your life. It's been a lot of fun reading all about your adventure and I look forward to more posts. You are so many worlds away living such a different life. I seriously think you are so brave for actually doing this and it is great to be living it with you from afar.
Oops sorry.. Anonymous is me - Jackie J. I was having problems with the google account so I gave up!
I can only add to your title... Jesus Lord....
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