Well the journey is over...for now. I have to say that this trip was one of the best experiences so far in life. I had fun, learned a lot, met many many great people from all around the world, and I believe an even better sense of how lucky we really are. One last thank you to all of you for keeping in touch with me and being so excited about my trip before I left, while I was there and the amazing greetings when I came home. So much happened over 2 weeks that it's hard to capture it all at times which makes me so happy that I was able to share this blog with you. The person who invented this was genius!! That's for you Suzanne.
As an animal lover you can't imagine how it is to wake up every morning and spend it with lions. At times you are walking with them and you lose sense of what you are really doing and then you realize it again and you say "Wow". These animals are big and can be dangerous and powerful but also very loving, affectionate, graceful (most of the time) and oh so beautiful. My time with them has given me a great respect for them.
Spending time at the orphanage and with Virginia's family on the last Saturday was amazing. Tough emotionally at times but you realize that it is such a special moment that you need to pay attention. These people live with so much less then us but at no time do you see them unhappy. They laugh, they dance, they smile. Many thanks go out to Sam, Simba and Virginia for giving us this opportunity to experience things that I have only ever seen on t.v. on my comfortable couch.
To the friends I made...simply amazing. A bunch of crazy people from different parts of the world, different ages and different reasons sometimes for doing this trip, come together and work long days and share the experience of a lifetime. Oh did we laugh!! Sadly the biggest laughs probably came from my African dancing skills!! Hege I imagine that you are still laughing at my video even if you can't see it live. I miss you guys and wish we were all waking up together again for our first morning walk. For those of you still there I hope you are still having an amazing time. For those of you who left I hope you all got home safely...Desna I hope you finally made it home. Joyce you are simply my hero.
Cheers everyone...Bird out!