Sorry no update yesterday, I came down with the stomach bug. I spent most of my day in bed but managed to get out for the orphanage visit again. I was taking Imodium for the whole day so I managed to get through the orphanage visit which I was happy about. The older kids this time were at school so we spent time with the younger children. I taught them how to play fish and they basically got it with a few variations! We went to the grocery store afterwards which is always an experience. It's funny to see that all of us end up buying candies, chips and alcohol mostly...great diets. After spending most of the day in bed I was feeling better at the end of the day so I was able to go to dinner which was a special BBQ dinner for us set up outside for just the vols (that what we are called here). They invited a traditional Zimbabwe group to come in and sing and dance for us. We all ended up dancing at the end in traditional dance which is basically swinging your arms and stamping your feet a lot. It was really fun.
Today we are heading into town to visit the house of Virginia. She works in the laundry here and has invited us all over so that we can experience and real African family atmosphere. Now here is Zimbabwe it is custom to have more than one wife so the man of the house actually has 3 wives. They will all be there with all of their children. I think in total there are 15 kids. We are going to eat traditional food and also dance. I'm very excited for this.
We received some good news last night. One of the females started to deliver her cubs last night. As of last night she had one and another was on it's way. We are not sure yet how many cubs she will have but I am hoping that I will get a chance to see them before I leave. I will surely keep you posted.
The picture is of little Meeka...the clown of the group.
Hey Vic,
sorry to hear that you were sick but glad you manged to recover so quickly. I can't wait to hear how your house visit goes that will be very interesting indeed. I now know what you guys do at night, judging by your diest!hahahah
Keep posting
hey mom,
Cant believe that after all those shots and pills you still managed to find a way to get sick. Awesome pictures, i cant wait to see the rest when you get home. I know it's going to suck to leave but im sure i speak for everyone who has been following you in saying that we miss you. Plus now glee is back and habs are playing washington in the playoffs (both awesome) habs won the first game, the second is tonight. Enjoy your last few days, and dont challenge that angry lion, he looks like he could kick ass and take names, lol. Look foreward to seeing you asap. Love you lots and keep having a blast.
PS: how do you think customs will feel if you brought back one of those cubs? Just putting it out there...
Hey Vick,
Sorry to hear you got sick but glad you are on the mend. Will miss your daily adventures, I'm really enjoying them. Well enjoy your last day and have a safe trip back. Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Love Mom
Hey Vick,
I'm loving all your updates!! Enjoy your last few days there. I told Matthew that you would come over soon and show him all your pictures. He's very excited!!!
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