Hi everyone,
I thought I would take the time to send you a few details on our morning at the orphanage. This was incredible. You can't imagine the faces on these kids when we arrived and spent time with them. They were so appreciative of all the things that you all contributed to them. I signed a book to log what I broght which is in the picture. One of the things that I bought with the money was bubbles. 12 bottles to be exact. I handed them out to the other volunteers and the kids went crazy with them. It was a great way to enter into the orphanage and make them feel comfortable. I ended up letting the kids take picutres with my camera and the took around 200. I think I mentioned that before but here are a few examples. I can't wait to show you all a video of one girl who can sign like Alicia Keys...just fantastic and made my hairs rise on my arms. The sad part is that most of these kids lost their parents to Aids and probably have it as well. The amazing thing is that they all smile and laugh when they have so little. When we were leaving one boy called for me through the window and said...Bye Vicky. When I said...see you next week...he gave me the finger gun and winked at me. He is no more then 7 years old. We all laughed so hard in the truck. You will notice as well that one boy took his own self portrait..it ois one of my favorite pictures.
After leaving we got stuck in a huge rain storm and ended up soaking wet. The reason being that 12 of us sat in the back of a truck with matresses layed down for us....very safe!! The truck also got hit but a bus which ended up us sitting at the police station for a bit. I wasn't in it at the time. Might I add this is the same truck that usually holds the dead animals used to feed the lions....nice smell! Anyhow we made it home in one piece.
Well I did meat prep today so stay tuned tomorrow for that update!!
Great pics Vicky! Looks and sounds like you're having a great time. I'm totally envious. Gives you a good indication of how good we have it here in Canada. When do you get to ride the lions? Now that would be some fun. Maybe you could start a new kind of rodeo over there... Hope you're having a great time and looking forward to seeing the 4000 pictures when you get back!
Vicky, it looks like you are having a blast!!! I love checking out your updates every day and can't wait to see all your pictures and hear all your stories!
Have fun and be safe!!
hey mom, just so you know i have been following since the very begginig, i just didn't have an account and always signed in as a guest, but i fixed that now so here i am. I am majorly envious of everything you are doing, so glad to see that you're having a good time. Everything there sounds amazing (excluding your expereinces with poop)And i love the pictures, can't wait to hear more about your trip. As for mine, philly was awesome, habs won 1-0 and there were 6 quebec busses there and we were all in the same section so we had some fun cheering for our team. Ny was nice, did a little shopping, got some stuff to thank you for our misadventure the night before you left. It was great to get away, as im sure you know. The week after i had only one day off school, mon-off, tue-canceled, wed-2 classes, thu-canceled and fri-off so i had an extra week of vacation which went well for me. I figured what was wrong with my xbox (nothing),your genious son put the wrong code for the router. All's well here in montreal, and i hope the same goes for you in africa. im still logging in every day to check up on you, make sure to keep up the posts so i know you're ok. Looking foreward to your next post, missing you lots. bye-bye
Hey Wicky! :) (I'm guessing Becky would be Wecky?) I must have missed something along the way - I understand that you are working with Lions (I thought who had been injured?) in re-hab, but why are the locals exposing baby lions to humans? what's the purpose? is it solely for the purpose of creating this experience for "excursions" like the one you are on? Like a zoo-like experience? and do the local people just have prides of lions in and around their villages? like we have cats and dogs? more soon, Erin
One more thing - your pictures are fantastic. I can't imagine how awesome it must be to visit that orphanage! if only all of our kids could do that in their growing years! what do those kids think of you guys? do they have "visits" from groups on a regular basis? so very cool girl! Erin
OK Vicky, I almost cried, this is tooooo much! Boy you are a lucky girl! Please bring as much memories and stories as you can. I would really like to be with you. And those kids, it really brings you to reality; unfortunately us occidentals are most of the time too much in our reality which is nothing compare to them. We need to remember them as often as we can. But boy do they look happy. Have a great evening Wicky, can wait to read you tomorrow. Big hugs. Lucie XX
Hello lion whisperer,
Your stories are amazing as always! I bet this is one vacation you will never forget. Can't wait to see those pictures!
Try to stay poop-free :)
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