By now you have already looked at the pictures in this post and probably have figured out what I am referring to in my title. I had a dramatic discovery whilst reading my Kindle the other day in the back of my room. There were all kinds of Vervet monkeys around playing and eating in the trees when one when running past me and bent over. I wish I had a camera to see the shock on my face!! Of course I ran to get a camera because I thought "my friends and family need to see this"!! I have finally discovered where the saying "blue balls" comes from....yes this may be a little offside for a topic of conversation but I said I would be honest...ha ha.
Saturday night this week we went out for supper and drinks to benefit a couple that lost their house and all their belongings in a fire. It was sad to hear that they lost everything but as Livingstone is a very tight community, within days one of the restaurants set up an evening and all the benefits went to the family to help them out. It was very touching and at the same time great to see a community come together. I'm not going to lie Karaoke was happening that night and I may have had a few performances....Jordan sorry for the phone call from us...everyone is just excited for you to arrive!!
I thought I would take the chance to introduce you to the two dogs that we live with Trevor and Simba. They are great dogs who live the life of Riley here. They just run around all day and get the affections of about 20 people everyday. Trevor is the orange haired dog and Simba is the white one. Simba's head can fit perfectly in your hands and Trevor tends to nip my bum often to let me know she's there!!(see photos)
Well after two evening out this week yesterday was a relaxing day of resting, watching SATC and a movie down at the landlords house. Where I'm living is rented grounds and the landlords live on the water near us. They are a family of 5 originally from India but have been living in Zambia for a long time. Every place has a name here so when we are at their house we say...'I'm going to India or I'm in India". They have a lovely deck on the river so yesterday we sat and watched 5 hippos come in and out of the water and even fished a little bit.
Thanks everyone for you comments...keep them coming. I get excited when I see that I have comments about the blog and also that you are enjoying the read.
Well I'm off to work again...Happy Father Day to all you dad's out there!!!!
The blue balls are hilarious arn't they??!! I saw some in Kenya and thought someone was playing a joke on us with some pool chalk or something!
That's hilarious, Vicky! I love reading all your entries. It sounds like you are having a great time!!
Just under a month down. But you're gonna make it hard for me to come. With all this talk about how great I am ill have a lot to live up to once I get there. Usually you're supposed to play it down a bit so I seem that muCh greater in person. Not to worry though, I can handle it :)
Hi Vicky,
Great stories, I really love to read them. I am pretty busy here with my own two monkeys...
Hi Vicky,
The blog Glenn gave us initially was not the right address. Just found the right one through LinkedIn and have caught on all you previous posts; wow! this seems like quite a life changing experience. You write so well, makes me feel like I am there. Love your stories. Makes us want to go and help out there.
Just wanted to say hi! I will be following your blog religiously from now on.
Take care
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